Code of Conduct

Shriners often say, “If you're not having fun, then you're not doing it right.” We want this event and your volunteer time to be fun, engaging, and meaningful, while also maintaining a standard of professionalism expected of any event staff.

  • Stealing from the Disney ethos of their theme park employees, volunteers are considered to be cast members, and areas visible to guests are considered to be "on stage." Professionalism and customer service must be at the forefront of your mind, and maintained when on stage.
  • The main way guests will know you are a volunteer is by your event shirt and name tag. You must wear these at all times while on shift, and be prepared to be asked questions if you are still wearing them after your shift is over. Bring your work shirt and party wear for when off shift.
  • Volunteers need to remain functional and sober during their shifts. Visibly intoxicated volunteers will be let go.
  • Never tell a guest, "I don't know." Instead say, "Let me find out," and then reach out to a PDXotica coordinator for an answer.
  • If guests become angry or disrespectful, try to de-escalate the situation and refer them to a PDXotica coordinator or security if necessary.

Volunteer Benefits

  • An eight hour day of volunteering will allow for participation in the rest of the day and a volunteer shirt.
  • Thursday airport shift will involve manning the PDXotica table at PDX to welcome participants and get them to their shuttle bus. Times for this location will be determined by incoming flights. Thursday volunteers are welcome to come for one evening’s dinner and entertainment.
  • Thursday Shrine Center shift will involve setting up tables and chairs, decorating, and assisting marketplace vendors with their set up. Thursday volunteers are welcome to come for one evening’s dinner and entertainment.
  • Friday AM shift will start at 7:30am working the registration table, welcoming participants, assisting with the Mixologist competition as needed, organizing participants into their yachting parties, seeing them off, and receiving them upon return for dinner.
  • Friday PM shift will start at 4:30pm receiving the yachting parties back from the tour, assisting with room set up and tear down for dinner, set up for entertainment, assisting participants with boarding shuttle buses to the hotel, and clean up the Shrine Center for Saturday.
  • Saturday AM shift will start at 8:00am preparing the Shrine Center for the day, welcoming participants, assisting with the Mixologist competition as needed, organizing participants into their yachting parties, seeing them off, and receiving them upon return for dinner.
  • Saturday PM shift will start at 4:30pm receiving the yachting parties back from the tour, assisting with room set up and tear down for dinner, set up for entertainment, assisting participants with boarding shuttle buses to the hotel, and clean up the Shrine Center for Sunday.

If you're considering volunteering for PDXotica, or would like more information, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch.